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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Should I go out this weekend or stay home and watch a DVD?

TimeOut published a formula, to help you decide:

(a+b)-(c+d)= e

a= no. of days since you last danced (outside your home)
b= no. of days since you were up past 1am and not online
c= no. of days you've had that unwatched DVD sitting at home
d= no. of days since you last flirted with someone not counting your pet

If e= positive number, go out! Your pet needs the space.
If e= negative number, stay home. You need the rest.

My last dance = Xmas party = 30
Up past 1am= Friday night = 5
unwatched DVD= 0. downloaded Transformers and watched it last night. Apallingly B-grade flick!
last flirted with someone= 0. every day at work man! just joking. last flirted = do BC dates count?

I'm going out anyway!

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