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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What we got up to on the weekend

Come winter, many gardens and patches of earth have been planted with decorative cabbages. They are everywhere and seem to be one of the only plants hardy enough to withstand the snow and ice. Who knew the humble cabbage would have a place in New York's city streets?

Justin made icecream sandwiches from scratch on the weekend. He baked ginger cookies and then shaped the vanilla icecream into a tube, sliced off ice cream patties and refroze them to make the most delicious icecream sandwich ever. It was so thick it was more like an Icecream Burger. I think he invented something.

Wandered around Chelsea with the aim of popping up into the mryiad of galleries there but they're all closed on Sunday. So we know that for next time.

Doorway of someplace that really wants to be found.

1 comment:

Boris said...

In ze old country, cabbages were not for making pretty ze yard. Spoilt americans wiz zeir bouquet of cabbages.