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Friday, April 11, 2008

Please watch for manatees

Am in Miami at an 'information architecture' conference. Flew in last
night on a hellish Delta flight -air travel really is the pits here: 1
hour delay ok the tarmac, no food, no entertainment, surly staff- and
now in delicious 28c, soft humid weather. The warm sun on my face is
almost a religious experience after this long NY winter.

I'm staying with an old work colleague who I've become buddy buddy
with, and she has a home here set on a lush grassy block with coconut
palms, mango trees and an outdoor shower.

Me with my cough, I feel like a consumptive who's been sent to warmer
climes to recuperate.

1 comment:

Boris said...

I've seen you eat. "Consumptive" seems a very apt adjective.