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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Real life New Yorker #1 - Deneva

Welcome to the first of many interviews with some pals and colleagues of mine. Hopefully their uncensored responses to my 10 questions will shed some insight into who I'm meeting and working with and what real life New Yorkers actually think about NY, America and Australia. Feel free to ask questions and comment on your impressions and reactions.

To kick it all off, meet Deneva. Enjoy!

Where did you grow up?
I was born in Ohio.. Midwest!

What brought you to New York?
Hmm.. a while back, I moved from Germany to Los Angeles and had a crazy culture shock. I yearned for Europe but did not foresee the possibility of going back any time soon, so I figured, NYC is as close as I can get physically. With all the outgoing flights, I thought I could take short trips to see my friends in Europe and they could also come to visit me.

What do you like about the US?
Umm. Good question. Since I am American, I can work here. That’s pretty much what I like. Oh yeah.. lets not forget the software development industry is here.

Is there anything you hate about America?

  • People can be less than cultured and sometimes not educated about non-entertainment subjects

  • People eat to much and have poor eating habits (eating junk or eating out)

  • Too much individualism. I don’t like the ‘its all about me’ attitude

  • Too much idealism. If your 45 and performing in shows with an audience made of your mom and your friends, you might not become a rockstar in your lifetime!

  • Apathetic attitudes and folks blaming others for their misfortunes. This lends itself to the ‘I’ll sue!’ culture and the ‘customer is always right’

  • Too many meds! Everyone is on pharmaceutical drugs!

What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Accents and David Gulpilil – one of my favorite actors of color.

Who do you think is going to win the US election and why?
I hate to be a pessimist, BUT .. I have no idea. Ideally it would be Obama.. at worst (or best depending on your take), I will need to immigrate to a poor tropical country and start my own business.

Will you work in New York forever?
Heck no! Even if Obama does win.. eventually I will go to a tropical country and start a business :) Having children in NYC does seem a bit stressful so I plan to do that elsewhere.

If you could visit one place in Australia where would you go and why?
I have no idea.. somewhere in the beach..and somewhere near aboriginals. I love the beach and I’m always interested in indigenous people.

Who is the most famous Australian, in your mind?

What’s one thing everyone should know about New York?
Time is money. Every moment you aren’t making money, you are losing it. Sure, they say money isn’t everything, just 99%. Its wise to come to NYC with money saved. Its not easy here without it, but if you have great skills and a plan you its possible to make it here.

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