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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Supping on the Great Lawn

Central Park was a mecca for classical music and picnic lovers on Tuesday night. Being picnic maestros we jumped on the idea of seeing the New York Philharmonic Orchestra doing a free concert and headed off with Dave, Melissa and thousands of others to nosh on a rug on the Great Lawn. And fireworks spelled the grand finale after a rather lacklustre 1812 Overture (fake cannons just don't do the piece justice).

We were so far from the stage that we could only hear the music coming through speakers but it was delightful to be out in the sultry evening, people watch and get amongst it, as they say. Any excuse to eat prosciutto and goats cheese al fresco.


Jennifer Henry said...

Oh, you guys make me envious - although we are all from Melbourne, your experience of NYC is SO different from ours, being free to duck outevery evening and sample to smorgasboard of summer treats out there! All we do, it seems, is work, rush home to relieve the nanny, then herd kids around Brooklyn all weekend! All good wishes to you.

Boris said...

I'd love to rush home to relieve the nanny..

Anonymous said...
