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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Real life New Yorker #3 - Meredith

This is Meredith, who sits in the next set of cubicles over from me at work, and is a baking fiend and obssessed with a particular dwarf minitiature horse.

Where did you grow up?

I spent my first 6 years in Cleveland followed by a 5 year stint in Chicago and I’ve been in New York since (although not the city – my family lives in northern Westchester (the county just north of the city).

What brought you to New York?

College at NYU and I’ve been in the city since.

What do you like about the US?


Is there anything you hate about America?

I can’t say I’m terribly proud of being a “fat” people.

What do you think of when you think of Australia?

If I were playing word association right now, and you said Australia, I’d say Kangaroo

Who do you think is going to win the US election and why?

Hard to say. The democrats really blew it with the whole long, drawn-out primary, but McCain is old and kinda crazy.

Will you work in New York forever?

Forever is a pretty long time. But yes.

If you could visit one place in Australia where would you go and why?

I’m not sure. I suppose Sydney, but I hear that giant spiders are all over the place and I really hate spiders. (Or the island with all of the Quokka, but I think that might be a part of New Zealand.)

Who is the most famous Australian, in your mind?

I think Mel Gibson is probably the most famous, but 1. he’s not actually from Australia and 2. I doubt you want to associate with him anymore.* So I’ll go with Nicole Kidman.

What’s one thing everyone should know about New York?

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t actually get anything at any hour here, or at least not easily. Oh and bring hand sanitizer.

*If you do still want to associate with him, I think that means you hate Jewish people.

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