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Friday, May 04, 2007

The day after the last day at work

I don't feel very well today.

Had a productive last day at SEEK that ended in an awesome champagne-fuelled 2.30am expression session at Revolver. Man, Product people (and that Tucker!) can dance. And who thought the moves from dancing class would actually graduate onto the dance floor. Once Jodine took down her ponytail, it got truly serious. I'll publish all the damning photo evidence tonight. Dodgy Hodgy predicted that the night might just go off - all you need are a couple of young dads with leave passes - and it did. I had a blast. Thanks SEEKers!

Stumbled home (have no recollection of the taxi ride), doused myself with baby powder in lieu of a shower (cloud of which was revealed on the carpet this morning) and it was lights out. Made it to my 9am pre-travel medical and managed not to pass out while they took blood samples. Just. Went back to bed immediately after doctors visit and roused at 3pm for generous slices of vegemite toast and ginger tea.

Tonight Jus and I get on a plane to Perth to farewell the Morins, Wallises, Stacey Heerys, nanna, Wil and dad & Sally. I think I'll be skipping my regular 'only when i fly' Bloody Mary. Ouch.

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