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Monday, June 04, 2007

The Office

Well, last night I was tired and grumpy after a a day of apartment hunting (more on that later) and the last thing I felt like was hauling myself into an office to begin work at a new job. But the adrenaline kicked in this morning and I got here and its AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME.

The people are smart and friendly, the office itself is schmick and organised, and the ideas, projects and knowledge flying around here are inspiring and progressive (and a bit intimidating).

Most people are quite positive about the Microsoft acquisition, and some made a pretty penny as the share price nearly doubled or something when the annoucement was made.

Anyway, here's a Google Street View of the office (1440, where the empty flag banners are). I shall discreetly take some photos myself and post them later in the week.

Ooof, I'm so relieved this is going to work out.

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