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Friday, June 29, 2007

Overheard in New York

I'm glad there is a website dedicated to cataloguing all the intriguing, amazingly banal and hilarious things you overhear people saying in this big city, cos I certainly can't keep up. If you need a laugh, this site is it.
From "In a perfect world everyone should smell like pizza." to "I'm just gonna go home and play checkers and hopefully win. If not, I'm gonna play Scrabble and cheat! I just bought a new thesaurus." and " Kid: Mom, where you at? Mom: I'm right here, baby, and it's not where you at, it's where you is."
Ah yowsers. I actually heard someone say "I'm walking here!" while crossing the road and waving a finger at a car. (But I think it was a tourist showing off to their friends.)

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